г. Алматы, ул. Жаркентская, 8
Отдел продаж
Для жалоб и предложений
Almaty, st. Hadji-Mukana 86
For complaints and suggestions
+7 702 284 00 28
Object survey
An audit of existing treatment facilities allows you to obtain an objective assessment of the state of facilities. Determine the quality of water treatment, identify shortcomings and propose the most rational ways to improve the quality of treated wastewater and increase the energy efficiency of the system as a whole. Any water management facility of a settlement or an industrial enterprise is a complex technical system consisting of pumping stations, pipelines, structures, and technological equipment. Поэтому, прежде чем рассматривать вопросо реконструкции очистных сооружений, необходимо иметь четкое представление об их текущем состоянии, что позволит оптимизировать финансовые средства, выделяемые для этой цели. При проведении обследования специалисты VTA
Kazakhstan выполняют следующий состав работ:
  • collection and analysis of existing design and executive documentation;
  • sampling and analysis of wastewater and sludge mixture for facilities;
  • implementation of verification calculations of the operation of structures;
  • inspection of building structures of buildings and structures;
  • Compilation of a report with the issuance of recommendations for the reconstruction of the facility.
After the audit, depending on the technical features of the facility, as well as taking into account its operation, the Customer is given recommendations that can solve the following tasks:
  • increasing the productivity of treatment facilities;
  • Improving the degree of purification;
  • Improving the reliability of equipment and technological processes;
  • modernization of obsolete equipment;
  • Reducing operating costs;
  • Improvement of the general ecological situation of the area.
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Mon-Fri: 09.00-18.00
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г. Алматы
ул. Хаджимукана 86
+7 727 354 13 13
+7 701 339 13 13
Отдел продаж
Almaty, Khadzhimukan street 86
Sales department
+7 727 354 13 13
+7 776 340 13 13