Similar shallowing of the Caspian Sea was last recorded in 1976, according to scientists' recollection. At that time, the water level dropped to minus 29 meters. Overall, the length of the Caspian Sea coastline in Kazakhstan spans 2300 kilometers, with the majority falling within the Mangystau region. Specialists from the hydrometeorological station, measuring water levels four times a day, note a significant decrease.
According to the annual report, last year the sea level mark was minus 29 meters. As for this year, it's minus 29.36 meters. Comparing the data, it's noticeable that within just a year, the sea has shallowed by 33 centimeters," said oceanologist Aidyn Zharylgapova from the branch of the Kazhydromet Public Enterprise in the Mangystau region.
According to ecologists, possible causes for the Caspian Sea's declining water levels include climate change and rising temperatures.
Ecologists report that around 130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea. However, while the Caspian Sea used to receive around 300 cubic kilometers of water, in recent years, this figure has decreased to 40 cubic kilometers. This decline is attributed to the establishment of settlements along the riverbanks. Experts also explain that water consumption has increased.
"The sea is about 50 centimeters away from repeating the record low of 1976. If the decrease in water levels isn't prevented, the next one and a half years might break the record of the past 400 years. Moreover, nature is unlikely to stop at this point. Besides, water is not replenishing," noted ecologist Orynbasar Togzhanov.
Ecologists recommend the immediate establishment of a scientific institute to study the Caspian Sea. Continuous monitoring of the sea's condition is necessary to prevent an ecological disaster.
Saltanat Nurgalieva, Zhazira Kuanyshbekkyzy, Mukagali Nurdaulet, Almaty Channel, Aktau.
"When the water level drops, even by 0.5 centimeters, it causes significant harm to the ecosystem and living organisms. Scientists predict that if by 2100 the sea level drops by 18 centimeters, 25% of the entire sea could vanish. I believe that if we don't take measures now and don't devise solutions, the Caspian Sea might face a fate similar to that of the Aral Sea," emphasized Samal Syrlybekkyzy, Head of the Science and Research Department at Sh. Yesenov University.